
Business Law

What is business law?

“Business Law”, for purposes of this web-site, generally includes formation of a business entity (limited liability company, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc), maintenance of the business entity, and claims that may arise from and/or against a business entity. In the Allen County, Mercer County, Paulding County, Putnam County, and Van Wert County area, business formations are often related to farming and agriculture.

Why should I create a limited liability company?

A limited liability company (LLC) can offer several advantages: it can protect your personal assets (home, bank accounts, vehicles, etc) from business-related debts. It can also protect you personally from many claims and/or lawsuits brought against the business. LLC’s can be taxed in multiple ways which may prove beneficial. They offer a “pass-through” tax system which allows income received by the business to only be taxed once instead of twice like is typical through many corporations. Finally, there can be some estate planning benefits to creating a LLC. Putman Law Offices would be happy to discuss whether your situation would benefit from creation of an LLC. Please schedule an appointment by calling: (419) 238-2200.

What steps need to be taken to create a Limited Liability Company?

Creation of a limited liability company (LLC) can be complex. First, a unique name must be chosen that will be approved by Ohio’s Secretary of State. Next, a document named “Articles of Incorporation” need to be filed with the Secretary of State. Do not let the word “Incorporation” confuse you – these Articles are necessary not only for corporations, but also for LLC’s. In the Articles, a statutory agent will need to be assigned to someone (or another business) who is authorized to receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC. He/she/it must be an Ohio resident or corporation authorized to do business in Ohio.

Finally, a variety of other legal documents must be created to reflect the exact manner in which you intend the LLC to be run. Amongst the most important of these documents is the “Operating Agreement”. This document will essentially serve as the “rule book” for your business operations. Other important documents include an ownership ledger, minutes of various meetings and ownership certificates.

Depending on the type of business you are engaging in, various permits, taxing number(s), and the like may also be necessary to conduct business. Here a Putman Law Office we welcome any questions you may have, and are ready to work hand-in-hand with you in successfully launching your new business!

I already have a business entity, but I am now being sued. What should I do?

Lawsuits against business can often be very complex, depending on the nature of the suit. Consideration and defense of the allegations raised in the suit, counterclaiming for any damages you may have suffered, conducting discovery and handling negotiations and a potential trial are very detailed and challenging aspects to most suits. You need an attorney with experience and expertise. Attorney Shaun Putman has been involved in numerous business lawsuits, both as the party bringing a claim and as an attorney defending claims brought against a business. He will be happy to sit down with you and discuss your particular situation, and welcomes a call at: (419) 238-2200.

Family Law - Northwest Ohio

We will help you navigate the rules, regulations, and court procedures involving the family unit. While some family law matters may be handled without counsel, processes such as divorce and child custody often require the expertise of a skilled attorney.

Real Estate Law - Northwest Ohio

Buying a home or any other piece of real estate is a major financial event. Cutting corners to save a relatively small amount of money is certainly not advisable! A real estate attorney, such as Attorney Shaun Putman, can help a purchaser in many manners.

Personal Injury - Northwest Ohio

We specialize in personal injury issues from auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and more. Being hurt can cost you much more than medical expenses. We will help you understand your rights and your next move in a lawsuit or legal complaint.